Friday, June 18, 2010

Sushi with Selma!

Selma is one of the most amazing ladies I have the honor of being friends with. I met her when I served on the Institute Council about 2 years ago. She was working as an Institute Secretary. She was so sweet fun and nice to all of us there! I know I can speak for anyone who knows Selma, she is wonderful. She is so loving and caring and willing to listen. I used to bring her Sushi for lunch sometimes and we would share it. Since she took a job in SLC I haven't been able to see her for a little bit and so we met up for Sushi. I invited Jazon to come and meet her and have sushi with us. It was so wonderful to be able to see and talk with her. The 3 of us had so much fun!  I love you Selma!

Utah to Idaho to Utah..14 hrs

I went with a friend to Idaho to help him bring some stuff down to Utah. It was a 6 hour drive to Boise (we made it in 5.. Sean was driving) Then we were there about 2 hours getting what he needed. After that we had a 6 hour drive back ( we made it in 6.5.... I was driving) It was a tiring yet awesome day. We went on a walk around the Boise Temple and the sky the whole way up and back was gorgeous! I loved it!
The font on their sign is so much cooler than Utah's! Sheesh!

 This sign says 'Motel, TV, Vacancy'..... Where is it?!
It's just an open area and one OLD sign... 

This reminded Sean and I of the wall paper in 
Andy's room in Toy Story :)

I am not the best at taking pictures like this... ha ha
Sorry Sean!

I absolutely LOVE the sky and clouds! The sky is always so different and ALWAYS beautiful!

Beautiful Battle Creek

My friend Caleb took me on a date up Battle Creek to see the beautiful waterfalls. Those waterfalls are so wonderful. I love how they split down two sides. I had so much fun :)

We found a small 'cave' along the way.. I am glad that
There weren't any residents of the 'cave' they
might not have liked to have an unannounced visitor.. 


The view was stunning! I loved it!

mmmm JERKY

There is nothing like homemade jerky! NOTHING! Stop trying to think of things that are better! Well OK fine there may be SOME things that are better but right now there isn't. My ward had an opportunity to go on a TREK. Our whole ward pitched in and helped. It was incredible to continue to see how close our ward is. My friend Joe and I went to the store and bought the stuff for the jerky and made it all. We cleaned Maceys out of soy sauce.... We had I think around 60 lbs of meat
I smelled like Jerky the rest of the night... It is not my perfume of choice :p
We had WAY too much fun! THAT'S A LOT OF MEAT BABY!


NEW JOB!! Okkatots!

I haven't posted in a LONG time so I have much catching up to do which I will do in several posts so that it is more organized :)

So I have another job! I work for a company called Okkatots (auh-ka-tots) It is a company that my boss Jan created. She designed the products we sell. I work in the bookkeeping and accounting department (doesn't that sound so official! I am all grown up!) I LOVE this job. It is so much fun! We are mostly online right now the website is Jan just launched the new site and it is awesome! A few months ago Okkatots had a booth at the Woman's Expo. It was so much fun to be there and see all the different booths and businesses.

This is one of the products that we sell. It is our Travel Baby Depot Bag. Since my picture isn't the best check it out here

This was our booth at the Expo. I LOVE the colors Jan has chosen! They are so warm and pleasant... and the colors of my room... :) I don't know if you have noticed yet but I LOVE this opportunity to work with this company!